Reality Ender – 2

Sarah told herself she wouldn’t overthink things. If anything, she was here to forget some things. She was here to forget her mother who told her she would never amount to anything. She was here to forget her professors that gave her disappointed looks every morning – well, every morning that she showed up.

Sarah was studying architecture at the University of Arkansas. She wasn’t the worst student by far, but she certainly wasn’t impressing anybody. What fascinated her about architecture was the control to create. With just a few shapes and little bit of imagination one could create awe inspiring buildings, strong and long lasting towers, or haunting mansions. Sarah was good at math at least, so she didn’t really care what her professors thought of her. Her high school teachers were the same after all.

So yeah, she was here to forget the pain in her past and what she saw for herself in the future.

And it was funny really, because it was all static. Most of what bothered her were vague memories and shadows of monsters. Sometimes she felt like she was living in an urban legend or a fable.

But Sarah was a fighter. Deep down inside, she knew that she was really here to remember herself.


