Weekly Mileage – 6/29/24
Complete one of my goals for 20 miles per week and almost hit my 30 mile goal. I finished my week with an 8 mile run on Sunday for a total of 28 miles. I could have run more, but I decided not to risk injury. Strong work!
Long Run PR – 5/17/24
Went out for a run today and complete my long run goal! I was listening to several audiobooks, so I think that helped me keep my pace down. My knee was bothering me a little, but my breathing felt fine so I decided to go for the long run. I’m glad I did. I’m not…
1 Mile PR – 5/15/24
Decided to try another mile PR before I played soccer later in the day. I ran a 6:41 mile which was a lot better than I thought I would do! I only need to shave off another 11 seconds from this time by the end of the year to meet my goal of 6:30. No…
Long Run PR – 5/8/24
Went for a short run before soccer today… and it turned into a long run. I ran a total of 7 miles and did my fastest 10k within that run with a time of 1:09:46. Not bad for an impromptu long run. 3 more miles and I’ll hit my long run goal for 2024. I…
Sick in Bed – 5/3/24
Well, I’ve caught something. This might be a blessing in disguise since I won’t be able to exercise for a bit (my knee still hurts). I’m hoping to be back running by the end of next week.
Injury – 4/24/24
Once again, I injured my knee playing soccer. I recently did some intense workouts and soccer drills, so my muscles were probably fatigued from the effort. Either way, I pushed myself too hard in a pickup game and felt something give in the lower front part of my knee. I’ve had issues with that area…